Monday, May 4, 2015

IMDb #231 Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2013)

Source: Wikipedia
Among the deluge of comic book movies, few make it into the Top 250. This one squeaks in thanks to its star-studded cast, Nazism parallels, and tight-blue-bodysuit Jennifer Lawrence. (Don’t fret, fella-fanciers; for your needs, there’s a certain Huge Jacked Man.)

In a generically bleak dystopia, mighty morphing power-copying robots rule the world from needlessly coffin-shaped dropships.

A handful of marketable X-Men survive. The bald prof in the floaty chair invokes a time travel plot: send everyone’s favorite angry Canadian back to the 1970s to fix the future. Like Terminator, with better acting and even more man-service.

So Wolverine, our pointy-haired mascot, transitions from grim-dark future to seventies funkitude, all to save a stuffy rich dwarf in big glasses.

In the meantime, he’s gotta:

  • Rescue the not-yet-bald prof from a heroin metaphor. 
  • Rescue his on-again/off-again nemesis Magneto from a plastic prison (with help from a super-speedy teen who could solve the plot if he weren’t a flaming douche). 
  • Rescue a shape-shifting blue girl before she unwittingly kills everyone. 

In short, stop the world from imploding due to speciesism.

Actually, it’s a huge job, but holy balls, the movie delivers. It breaks out the most special effects (kitchen scene, train scene, stadium scene, etc.), the smartest script, the highest stakes, plus a complimentary dose of political intrigue.

Better yet, the story logically meshes the first X-Men trilogy with the reboot, to glorious results. Using mutant versus giant robot battles. Pretty frigging sweet.

Recommended for everybody–for long-term fans, why are you still reading? Watch it.

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